Welcome to the Wisconsin Northwoods, and a view into Mertz Rookey Insurance Agency.
In the northwest Wisconsin town of Solon Springs resides an agency that has had boundless growth that overshadows its mere 600-person population. Ken Mertz, a University of Wisconsin-Superior graduate, has owned this agency for 11 years and has utilized his 21 years of insurance experience to build an agency with a mantra of doing what is right for the customer.
Mertz Rookey Insurance Agency has been associated with Auto-Owners Insurance since July 2002 and has been generating profitable business ever since. I asked Ken what makes his agency so successful and he explained, “I believe we have an environment where people like to work.”

With the understanding that success cannot be achieved by just one person, a staff that is enthusiastic and knowledgeable is part of the key to this agency’s success. It is a breath of fresh air walking into the Mertz Rookey office. Every visit is met with a warm welcome – the same welcome that every customer receives.
Helping people is what this agency does best. They attempt to round out every account and are the poster agency in northern Wisconsin for the Auto-Owners “Ask Every Customer” campaign. Life sales are an everyday occurrence in this agency.
As northwest Wisconsin’s top life producer, Mertz Rookey’s agents are avid Incentive Travelers. Every year they qualify for multiple trips, wherein they pay forward the travel opportunities to all of their associates. The agency takes pride in frontline underwriting and maintaining a profitable partnership with Auto-Owners.
Agency growth can be directly impacted by many factors, such as quality of staff, sales and the ability to advertise. Mertz Rookey Insurance Agency recently sent an agent to the Auto-Owners Producer Development Program. This program provides new agents with the sales skills required to be successful with the salesbased lifestyle of the independent agency system. This agency invests in its personnel, an investment that has been paying dividends in the form of profitable growth.
Furthermore, everyone in the agency is a licensed agent. Not only is the staff at the agency well-trained, Mertz Rookey uses 100% of its advertising dollars yearly, providing a top-of-mind awareness of their agency in the surrounding areas.
Mertz Rookey takes pride in its partnership with Auto-Owners and considers us their go-to company. We offer a path of least resistance for their staff, providing accessible, prompt and knowledgeable underwriters.
Moreover, Mertz Rookey is a selfsufficient agency that has the ability to quote risks internally. Not only does this help them generate proposals in a timely manner, it grants them the knowledge to make changes to existing policies when needed. Writing new, profitable business is what this agency does, and does well.
Professionalism is a key point that sets Mertz Rookey apart from many agencies. They know Auto-Owners, and they know how to sell what’s best for the client. The entire Mertz Rookey team believes in Auto-Owners and what we stand for. They believe in our claims service. We are in the business to pay claims – and we do it well – but this agency maintains a great book of business, which shows its commitment to us and its profitability.
If you find yourself in northwest Wisconsin and pass the town of Solon Springs, stop by Mertz Rookey and say “Hi.” I know you will receive the warm welcome I receive every time I enter their agency.